Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday September 24 Training Ride: The Wheelsucker Report

Since the wheelsucker actually has to work for a living, he was not able to show for the newly moved start time of 5pm. As typically happens, the change in start time really thinned out the group. It was looking like a nice "off season" ride (according to Bill Neuman), but at the last minute Doetsch screeched in on his bike. We were just rolling out a few minutes past 5 when the amazing Amanda Wu rolled in; the lashing the Tues/Thurs group received at the fingers of SuePerMad must have sunk in because everyone stopped and waited.

The ride went at a nice steady pace up Harwood Hill and down Rt 2, with this Wheelsucker trying to, well, suck wheels, since he rode to the park and ride from Annapolis. After the circle, and after a clueless resident passed the group and then attempted to turn into their driveway infront of the group, instead of ripping our legs off Doetsch organized a very nice rolling paceline on South Polling House. It took a little bit of time for everyone to get organized, but with words of, uh, "encouragement" by Doetsch, everyone got in the swing of things. The rolling paceline worked its magic all the way past 214 at which point, a single line train rocked to the end. The rolling paceline was really good practice for everyone to keep riding very smoothly and tightly. Hopefully, we can do more of this in the off season.

The wheelsucker unfortunately had no wheels to suck on the way back to Annapolis, but hey, life is not all fair winds and following seas!

For others who did not make it yesterday but plan on doing the 5pm rides, keep your guard up as the traffic patterns are a different; lots more less than friendly commuters on the road at that time.

1 comment:

  1. The wheelsucker DOES have to work for a living (a very unfortunate situation), but that was not the reason for missing this ride. The wheelsucker was on vacation at the beach WITH a bicycle (and girlfriend).

    Well done report, Alex!

    The wheelsucker WILL RETURN...
