Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday September 27: Swim Report

I was wondering how many people would show given the Saturday rain forecast. When I rolled in at 8:45 there were a few Lattitude riders getting ready. As it turned out there were 8: Steve O, SuePer, Ted, Sara, Dennis, Michel, Doug S and me. We rolled out a little after 9 under cloudy skies and wet roads. The pace was down right off season and we all had a good time chatting it up. In a few places like Brooks Woods and Wilson Rd, the pace did pick up a bit, just because that's the nature of this ride. I don't think we had any real rain on the first half to the store just maybe a sprinkle or two. In what turned out to be an omen, the sun poked out a few times before the store and SuePer said, "I think we are through it".

Just before we came to the stoplight at the beach, the torrential rain started. We thought it might be just the proximity to the bay. Nope. I think we rode this slow moving rain band all the way back to the park and ride. At times it was raining so hard it really felt like swimming! At least it was warm - and it was the first opportunity I had to wear my fancy-schmancy Pactimo rain jacket, which was very comfortable. The pace was high enough to keep warm, but the group all kept together.

We ran into the incredible shrinking Doug S at the end of the ride as he had short circuited the store. Turns out he ran into Doetsch and they did the Tue/Thu ride backwards on the way home.

I ended up having to walk 1/4 mile into the park and ride. After crossing under Rt 50 after Gov Bridge Rd, I heard the tell tale "hssssssss" in my front tire. Oh s#%$, changing a flat with 1 mile to go was not what I wanted to do. I was thinking of trying to ride Curious George style, all the way back, but instead I sat waaaay back in my saddle to get as much weight off the front wheel as possible. I nursed it as much as I could up the hill and around the corner on 424 until the rim hit and I had to walk it in... Oh well, at least I made it that far.

Doug S, Dennis, Sue, Sara and I went to Baha Fresh, ate and talked Spain. A great way to end what turned out to be a very nice ride.

1 comment:

  1. Doh! I'm such an idot, why didn't I just quickly burn a CO2 cartridge just to get back?? Would have saved the 1/4 walk cleats.
