Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Silly Season (Again)

A couple of months after the wheelsucker started doing training rides with Latitude/ABRT (that was in August of 2006, so about September or October of 2006), the wheelsucker read a very interesting post on the Latitude/ABRT website entitled "Silly Season", about people switching teams, thinking about switching teams, talking about switching teams, spreading rumors about who else was moving, and so on. The post was written by Wendy Ulmer, then with ABRT, but more recently Masters Nationals bronze medalist, riding with Team CycleLife. Wendy reposted it on her blog because... well because not much has changed in two years, and we appear to be in silly season once again!

While the wheelsucker has only ridden for one team during his very short bicycle racing career (as per Groucho Marx, it is not clear anyone else would have him), the wheelsucker does find talk of switching teams a little strange. After all, it is NOT like Johan Bruyneel is calling you and offering you more money. I mean c'mon, he has Alberto, Levi and probably Lance Armstrong on the squad, unless Armstrong signs with Latitude, and he does not need you, even if you are one of the top up and coming cat 3s in MABRA, or are a potential threat at the master's level.

The wheelsucker plans on staying with Latitude (it is not like he has received a lot of offers), but it sure would be weird going with another team and then showing up for a Tuesday/Thursday ride in another team's kit. On the other hand, if Johan calls, I'm outta here.

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