Monday, September 1, 2008

Another Great Bay Country Century

It was a beautiful day for riding, a bit humid, but cool and not a breath of wind. I rode down from Annapolis to North Beach to help get things set up for the last rest stop. It was a sweet ride down, cool, quiet and no traffic. Thanks to John K, all the supplies and tunes were ready to roll.

Thanks to the many club members busting their butts, the North Beach station hummed along with drinks, snacks and my personal favorite turkey and cheese roll-ups. NB is without a doubt the hoppin' spot of the BCC.

I rode the course backwards from NB after my shift to look for some friends riding and there were lots of friendly waving riders coming into the stop. From what I saw it looked like all the riders were having a great time.

Ride Director James Prickett put together another outstanding BCC. Make sure to come back next year... Would you want to be on this guy's bad side?

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