Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Lesson in Meterology?

For the third Saturday in a row the ground was wet at 10AM when the Davidsonville ride was supposed to go off. For the third Saturday in a row the temperatures were unusually warm, and while rain was threatening later in the day, it wasn't an immediate issue. How do I know this? It's called radar. Perhaps we should drop a link to the current regional radar on this site. That way riders won't have to rely on the "groundhog method" of poking their heads out of the door seeing wet ground, and going back to bed. For those of you who have missed any, or all of the last 3 Saturday rides you've missed some good ones. I don't want to hear any complaining later in the year when the wind is howling and the temperature struggles to break 40. We'll see if this is Fabrizio's true threshold.

In any event I rolled into the park and ride around 9:50 to see Doug Milliken already riding around. After getting ready it became apparent that no one else was showing up so we set off. I hit some glass just past the trailer park (no comment) and flatted about half an hour in, but the rest of the ride was uneventful. Every so often Doug, or I would remark how nice it was outside. In fact after fighting a persistent headwind for the first hour the sun came out. Once we rolled out of the rest stop it was mostly tailwind all the way back. Somehow those rollers just don't seen all that significant when you've got a 25mph wind at your back.

Doug and I managed to get a good 3 hour endurance/tempo ride in, and wondered what happened to everyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Some of us slept in and did our own ride later in the day. See you tommorrow.
