Friday, July 11, 2008

Thursday 7/10 Training Ride: July Turnouts?

So what is it about July? The turnout for the training rides goes up and up, and more an more riders from other teams are showing up. But how come nobody seems to be racing?

Well, I'm not racing either, but that is because my preferred field has no MABRA races until Church Creek part deux.

Anyhow, back to the training ride... Some of the usual suspects (Doetsch, Pete Penzell, Keith, Lance) were not there, but Ace was on his Pimparello TT bike.

Award of the day goes to Aaron Canale for chasing Ali (also on TT bike) down early in the ride after Ali tried to go off the front by himself. Seems like not long ago Aaron was getting dropped, and now he is chasing breaks, and finishing with the lead pack.


  1. If it werent for BAR points, would any of us be doing anything other than the ABRT rides? The tues/thur rides are consistiently harder than any cat 4 race i've done in MABRA. (Except maybe Bike Jam) It's safer and it's free.

  2. Not entirely true, riding with new people keeps you from getting complacent and keeps it fresh.

  3. I agree with you 100%. My comment is rhetorical in nature. A pondering of an unavoidable truth about the nature of the ABRT rides.

    Personally, I love the racing. I'm turning myself inside out now on these rides to lay a good foundation to build on for next season. To earn BAR points for more than riding a Motorcycle.

  4. Correction for the award of the day- Aaron Canale AND Doug Milliken chased Ali. Aaron was able to catch Ali on the hill because of Doug's initial effort.

    PS-the blog thing is a good idea.
