Monday, July 21, 2008

Mr Rolling Cooler Cooler Rolling Guy

Here's to all of you who ragged on my cooler yesterday at Hunny Bop. Man that pasta salad was delicious. Too bad it didn't help me last in that P123, I mean Mas 30/40+ race. I never did crack open any of those beers I had in there...


Big ups to Tom McKay for the last minute loan of his whip so I could race. Awesome bike. I'm sorry I couldnt do it justice. I dont know whose in charge of such things, but If Cannondale doenst wanna support us in the future, I'd put Giant on the list.



1 comment:

  1. That was hilarious. I missed out on the rolling cooler, or I would have given you some grief too. I was probably too worried about getting my wife and daughter situated and getting ready to race, that I overlooked the cooler. Won't happen again. LOL
