Friday, July 11, 2008

Concern Mounts For Missing Team Mate

Annapolis, MD - - Concern mounts within the Annapolis Bicycle Racing Team ABRT/ Latitude), as 50+ team member John Ver Bryke continues to be missing.

He was last seen on a training ride in late 2007. While there have been rumors of sitings at Jaguar parts counters and local marinas, police have been unable to confirm any of these.

"The last time I spoke with him, he was going to buy a Felt TT bike and focus on training rides and Time Trials", said team mate and friend Alexander "Ali" Meller. "But then he just disappeared."

Ver Bryke was expected to be a key member of ABRT's 50+ team this year. In his absence, ABRT has brought in newcomer Art Brown, who has been doing OK.

If anyone has any information on Ver Bryke's whereabouts, please contact ABRT President Doug Shapter.


  1. I think I saw Johnny V waiting for at the light on Gen Hwg and Rt-32 exit ramp last month. Then again, I saw Elvis hitch hiking on I-70 at 6am while I was winging my way to the TOWC road race.

  2. Rumor has it that John has built up a sub 10lb TT bike, and will be unveiling it at Church Creek next month.

  3. Another possible Ver Bryke Siting!

    There are unconfirmed reports that a rider looking a lot like John very Bryke, and wearing Snow Valley kit, was spotted on General's Highway, by a group out on a Bike Doctor Annapolis ride. This same rider turned around and joined the leaders of the BK ride as they rode north, returning to the Bike Doctor store. The rider stopped to chat for awhile. At this time, we are unsure if this was REALLY JVB, as this rider appears rather heavier than JVB.
