Sunday, February 1, 2009

You know you live in the Mid-Atlantic when...

Only in the Mid-Atlantic area can you go from having possibly the coldest ride of the winter (for me anyway - I know two weeks ago was actually MUCH colder) to the warmest (I had 65 degrees on my computer today) in the space of 24 hours. And, to boot it will probably snow tomorrow!

About 15 people showed up for yesterday's Saturday ride, including new member Darren, an Australian who we gave grief for not knowing it was SUMMER there. At start time, it was about 28 degrees with the northwest wind starting to blow. The first half was a nice tempo ride and since it was with the wind, it actually didn't feel too bad. We all rolled into the Dash-in roughly the same time and after taking a correct head count by the alpha male, we rolled on to the beach. I could see the white caps on the bay as we rode up the boardwalk. This was a bad omen. Things split up a bit going up the hill but rejoined for the trip through Fairhaven. Over the wall, it split again but regrouped at 258. After 258, Ali (who was not feeling well) and I hung back a bit to see if anyone else was coming from the split over the wall, but not seeing anyone else coming we decided to try and get back on. Ali dropped me pretty quickly as the cold was taking its toll on me; he never quite got back on but joined up with a few others who came off the main group. The wind was really starting to blow and it was soooo much colder (especially on the left side!) as I continued alone through the rollers to Rt 2. I stopped to wait for the group behind. I only had to wait a minute or two, but it was worth it as the company really rejuvenated my rapidly chilling spirit and we rode fairly easily back to the park and ride. The chit-chat in the parking lot was short lived as we all were eager to get warmed up.

What a difference 24 hours makes! I did the Penzel Saturday loop, plus the River Road section with just a vest, knee warmers and summer gloves - and that is not much clothing for this whimp. Since I was feeling beat up from yesterday, I just had a nice recovery ride and enjoyed the warm sunshine. I love these 60+ degree days in the middle of winter, they are such a gimme.

Oh well, back to rain, snow and 30 degree temperatures this week. But, looks to be warm(er) for the pre-party Saturday ride if you have any faith in the 7 day forecast.

1 comment:

  1. Saturday was miserable! claimed 32 degrees, but I don't believe it. I was cold the entire ride. At least we did not run into much ice.

    I felt good-but-not-great early, and that with the cold quickly convinced me to sit in rather than try to make up a workout I missed during the week, on the ride to the rest stop. I was supposed to do 3x15 @ threshold with 3 minute recovery, during the week, but did not get it in. It wasn't happening Saturday either!

    Shortly after the rest stop my stomach started bothering me, and I was having a harder and harder time generating any power. After jettisoning some of my stomach contents at the bottom of the descent into North Beach, I decided I needed to take it easy and survive. I sat in until the second intersection after the wall, was gapped there and couldn't muster the power, determination or interest to close the gap. I hung with Alex for awhile, but kept holding what power I could and at some point rolled away. Shortly before route 2 I caught Michel and "the rider in yellow" and we swapped pulls back to the P&R. I had ridden from Annapolis to the P&R.. briefly thought about trying to get a ride in a warm car back to Annapolis, but then decided I could get very cold while trying to organize this, or I could just ride home easy, which I did. 82 miles in the cold.. what FUN!

    Sunday was ... glorious... I was worried that I was not at full strength, so procrastinated until mid afternoon, but finally started a "chunk workout" (my choice of interval, holding threshold, total threshold interval time 60 minutes, intervals more than 10 minutes, less than 20)... from the gas station where we turn onto route 2. The first time back at the gas station I dropped of helmet liner, gloves and vest, and rode the rest a long sleeve jersey, wishing I had worn knee warmers instead of leg warmers. Sunday was a "spring is coming!" kind of day. And I ended up being able to hit my numbers, too.
