Sunday, December 7, 2008

The NOT Bill Neumann Ride ;-)

After Bill posted an e-mail saying that while others might do the ride this week, he would not be leading it, I showed up anyway.

So I get up at 5:20am, drive 2.5 hours ... I was in NJ .... and at 9:00am I am sitting in my car in a snow and ice covered parking lot, watching the snow-driven wind....and no one else is there. Hmm. Plan B is a fixie ride at noon with Alex Pline.

Alex and I rode most of the Pete Penzell Saturday ride route, on our fixed gears, starting from Alex's home at around noon. The temperature was above freezing -- barely -- and it was windy. We made up for this by cutting the ride slightly short, and heading to downtown Annapolis and hot chocolate at The Hard Bean.

For those keeping score, both Alex and I are currently running close to 74 gear inches.


  1. For what it's worth I recently switched from 72 gear inches (48x18) to 76 gear inches (48x17). It made down hill muuuuch more pleasant, but I'm still not sure whether the tradeoff for the uphill effort is worth it or not. Only time will tell.

  2. I just picked up 3 new cogs, 18, 19 & 20 today. I have a 43 crank. Well see how that goes. I'll be a spinning fool.

  3. Actually, I was wrong, I went from 70 to 74 gear inches.
